Privacy Policy

This website is part of a study entitled Understanding Pathways to Care For Individuals in Mental Health Professional Shortage Areas, with Investigators Dr. Munmun De Choudhury and Dr. Neha Kumar. By entering your zip code above and continuing use of this website, you consent to our collection of deidentified data about your use of this website, including any survey responses that you provide. We use the zip code that you provide to personalize the resources we provide you with to be more relevant to your area. The information we collect is not linked with your identity in any way unless you consent to a further follow-up interview. If you have any questions about the study, you may contact Co-Principal Investigator Munmun De Choudhury at (404) 385-8603 or or Neha Kumar at (650) 516-6342 or

You can see the consent form for the survey here as a PDF (also accessible after clicking the "Take survey" link).

You can see the consent form for the interview study here for those with lived experience and here for those who are caregivers as a PDF (also accessible after clicking the "Sign up for interview" link).